Oct 27, 2012, Saturday, Cabrillo Isle marina, San Diego
The shuttle is taking people to the grocery stores this morning, Von’s and Trader Joe’s. Even though there is very little place to put things, I can’t resist a last trip to TJ’s. It turns out Alan considers it essential to have cookies with our after dinner decaf. An hour later I have 5 bags full of irresistible things to add to our already bulging lockers, waiting for the shuttle to take me back to the boat.
Remember several days back when Alan was running an electrical wire down from the mast? Well, that project is still going on, so everything that I took out of the food cupboard looking for the leak is still out until he finally finishes running the wire all the way to the control panel at the back of the cabin. Finally, finally, finally it is done and I can start putting everything away again
I realize that I am becoming sort of obsessive/compulsive about putting things away. There is just not enough room to have anything sitting around and as fast as I get an area organized it is all torn apart for another project. It seems like i am constantly picking up and putting away. This has lead to not a few upsets but hopefully as we settle into living on the boat we will both learn where things go and keep them put away.
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