Nov 8, 2012 at sea to CAbo San Lucas
When I get up for my 1am watch the engine is on again. The air is warm. The stars are so bright there is no need for a moon and the water is full of phosphorescent stars playing with the reflections of the overhead stars.
The water is flat calm. With the motor on we can use the autopilot to stay on course so I just need to keep a lookout for other boats and read. A tiny bottle of energy drink from the 99 cent store keeps me alert for 4 hours as promised. I was not sure about these but they seem to work just fine. Wish I had gotten more. We do pass a number of brightly lit fishing boats and I can see the lights of other sailboats in the distance around us.
Thursday morning there is still no wind. Since we have the engine on we are staying on course. Last day at sea. The radio is full of chatter about docking in Cabo San Lucas. The Baja Haha is arranging for slips for boats that want them. Since it is going to be $60/night we decided to save the money and anchor. As the discussions go on we are really glad we made that choice. Boats will be packed in 3 deep, tied to each other and end to end. The people on the outside boat will have to walk across the other 2 to get on and off. Sounds way too cozy to me.
All day it is still and hot with just enough breeze to fill the sails but not enough to give any speed so the engine stays on. I am starting to worry about gas, but Alan checks and calculates and says we are fine. . I get to work scrubbing the fish blood from last night off the deck and doing a general clean up. Given how big the fish was, there is surprisingly little blood. As the day goes on it gets hotter and hotter and there is no shade except down below. Somehow some of the buckets of water for cleaning the decks get dumped on each other and soon clothes come off. This is the dream, well except for the part that there is no wind.
Typically, the wind comes up late in the afternoon, just as we are almost there and would prefer to have it calm. About 5pm we round the cape and come in the harbor of Cabo San Lucas. There in front of us in the giant Disney cruise boat that we had last seen in San Pedro. The wind is really blowing now but we get the sails down and drop anchor with the rest of the fleet. There is a party ashore but we are too tired. We have a quick dinner and tumble into bed together.
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