Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July 4, 2015 Waya to Naviti

July 2, 2015 Waya to Naviti

Once again we are up at the crack.  This getting up early business is getting on Alan’s nerves.  Each time we anchor he says we are going to stay for a couple of days and each time he is talked into moving on with the others the next day.  This time he swears when we get to Somosomo we are not moving for at least 2 days.  Meanwhile, there is a strong northwest wind blowing. 20 to 25 knots with gusts to 30 and we are heading right into it.  There is no thought of putting up sails.   We will just motor all the way.  Luckily the engine seems to be running fine although a little hot. 

This is the first time we have really sailed with other boats and it was interesting to compare the  three of us.  Rhapsody is performing wonderfully, as she almost always does.  Her narrow flared bow throws the water away so that even though we are in an open cockpit we seldom get wet, just occasional wind driven spray.  The other two boats are diving into the waves, almost burying their bows.   It would be fun to have a video of the three of us. 

IT is 5 miles across the channel from Waya to Naviti.  It should have taken less than an hour but it took almost 2.  No one could make much headway going straight into 25 knot winds with big swells.  We finally make it to the waypoint where we are to turn into the  channel.  The expectation is that once we get on the other side of this chain of small islands we will have some protection from the wind and the reef to our other side should break up the swells.  But first we need to make our way through this very narrow pass.  We cannot see it until we are right at it.  It looks very narrow and shallow but here we go.  Wind Cutter takes the lead while we wait for Jean Marie to get close behind us.  Little by little we make our way along between high green cliffs through sparkling blue water.  Radio chatter is about the reefs and shallow spots,  It is gorgeous, except that there is no time to enjoy.  I have to keep a sharp eye on the water looking for shallow spots.  There is one last little very narrow and shallow bit and then we are through, one by one. 

Now we have the island on our starboard side and the reef on our port side.  We should be protected from the wind but it is not happening.  It is an east wind but somehow it is wrapping around and coming through the passes and blowing almost as strong as before.  We can see spray leaping twenty feet into the air on the reef.  And there are still shallow spots on the chart to keep an eye out for.  This is getting to be very hard work.  Not the lovely sail we were expecting.  Alan’s cut hand is hurting and Walter’s cracked ribs ache.  We had intended to go to the top of Naviti and turn into Somosomo Bay, which is supposed to be a well protected anchorage, except that the wind is from the north.  This means that the wind will be blowing straight into the bay.  Not so much protection after all.  Although we got an early start, it is taking us much longer than we expected and we don/t have time to make it all the way to Blue Lagoon today. 

Then Wind Cutter spots what looks like a good anchorage, a wide bay with what looks like a resort on the shore.  It looks good on the charts and sounds good in the cruising guide so we decide to call it a day and anchor.  Hopefully if we get in close to the shore we will finally get some protection from the wind.  The charts show shallow spots here and there but one by one we thread our way in and drop anchor in 30 feet of water.  We are quite close to a reef along the shore but it is low tide now and we are in deep water so we should be OK.  Carol and Craig take their kayaks and go ashore to investigate.  We opt for a nap and an early dinner.  Jacqui is making sure Walter gets some rest.  That night, the next day and the next night the wind blows, and blows, and blows and blows.  At one point gusts hit 40 knotsAnd Rhapsody jerks and tosses on the chain.  Everyone is dug in fine and the anchors hold but it makes for restless nights.  We never do go to shore.  Craig reports back that There is a cute backpacker resort with a pool but no beer.  They have run out and the ferry is not due for several days. 

It looks like there will be a break in the wind tomorrow morning but after that it gets cloudy so we decide to go.  One last push to Blue Lagoon.  Everyone says it is wonderful there and protected from any kind of weather.  Absolutely calm.  I hope it lives up to its reputation.

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