Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nov 19, 2012, Monday, Pichilingue to La Paz

We take our time getting started in the morning, reluctant to leave this beautiful harbor.  There is a tinge of melancholy because we are coming to the end of this phase of our adventure.  I need to leave in a few days and Alan will get to work on all of those projects that did not get finished before we left; installing the water maker and painting the cabin being among the top priorities.  I really don’t want to be here during all of that chaos and it will be good to get this ear thing taken care of.   During the last weeks we have learned a lot.  But it will be January when I get back, leaving only 2 months to get down to Puerto Vallarta, ready to head across the Pacific in March.  We are tired of deadlines and rushing from place to place so we have come to a major decision.  We have decided to spend another year exploring Mexico and take off for the South Pacific the following year.  This means our journey will last longer, but there is no real reason to rush home anyway.  And it gives lots of chances for people to come visit us in Mexico before we take off.

And now back to our current journey.  We motor very carefully along the twisting channel into La Paz proper and drop anchor just off of the municipal pier in the midst of lots of familiar boats.  Once we are settled and secure we take the dingy ashore and spend the evening wandering around La Paz.  We find and ATM.  We buy Alan a hat.  We fail to find a grocery store but do buy some bread and tortillas and eggs.  We learn that the mercado is open from 5 am to 3 pm.  Eventually we settle at a sidewalk cafe and have a wonderful dinner, shrimp tacos and chiles rellenos this time. 

Back at the boat, I make a start at packing.  I am not bringing much home, just a few things that did not work out for the boat but that we don’t want to just toss.  The wind is blowing and it is much cooler than it has been.  I have put the quilt away but the blanket feels good tonight..

1 comment:

  1. The end of phase one does seem a little sad. As I read about the winds on your trip to La Paz, I thought about the challenge of heading out into the "Pacific." So Big Brother likes the idea of your staying in Mexico longer!
